
richard roxburgh中文是什么意思

  • 理查德・劳斯伯格
  • 理查德・洛克斯伯格
  • 洛克斯巴罗
  • 诺斯博
  • 若思博



  • 例句与用法
  • Perhaps experienced actors ben chaplin and richard roxburgh are not glamarous stars , their participations in this film are well appreciated
  • Fei ( michelle yeoh ) and his brother tung ( brandon chang ) are involved in a treasure hunting game with karl ( richard roxburgh ) and his gang group . the treasure is called sharira , the essence of xuan zuang , the holy monk from the tang dynasty . the whole film takes place in china , with most of the exciting chasing scenes happening in dun huang , a very beautiful region in the west part of china
  • The mise - en scene is beautifully arranged , as well as the choice of camera angles and lenses , together with the on location setting in dun huang and the brilliant composition of background music , the visual and audio performance is excellent . in terms of the cast , michelle yeoh demonstrates her acrobatic ability as convincingly as usual , she is like a female version of jackie chan now . new actor brandon chang is better than expected
    演员阵容方面也很国际化, ben chaplin和richard roxburg虽然不是荷里活一线男星,但是演技和级数都不俗,如richard roxburgh便曾参演a级片职业特工队二和情陷红蘑坊,至少比起像雷霆战警般找来演技和级数都较弱的外国演员担演重角来得好看。
  • In terms of the cast , michelle yeoh demonstrates her acrobatic ability as convincingly as usual , she is like a female version of jackie chan now . new actor brandon chang is better than expected . perhaps experienced actors ben chaplin and richard roxburgh are not glamarous stars , their participations in this film are well appreciated
  • Fei michelle yeoh and his brother tung brandon chang are involved in a treasure hunting game with karl richard roxburgh and his gang group . the treasure is called sharira , the essence of xuan zuang , the holy monk from the tang dynasty . the whole film takes place in china , with most of the exciting chasing scenes happening in dun huang , a very beautiful region in the west part of china
  • 推荐英语阅读
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